How GreenMediaHD Air Quality System Works
GreenMediaHD Air Quality System use negative ion injection technique to improve the air quality by reducing the possible Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) contamination and minimizing the risk of health hazard, from air flying virus and bacteria in Duct Air Conditioning Systems.
When high enough concentrations of negative ions come in contact with harmful pathogens such as virus, bacteria, or mold, they steal away hydrogen molecules from the pathogens. Without hydrogen, the pathogens are left without any source of energy to carry on and they die

GreenMediaHD Air Quality System Main Components
- Bipolar Ionization System. This system creates a plasma curtain of billions of Negative Ions, at the Air Handler Unit to de-activate any potential organic compound, by then, minimizing the possible unwanted VOC sharing, from air flying virus and bacteria, and associated health risks.
- Real time Air Quality Data Collection Sensors. Air Quality sensors that measures temperature, humidity, CO2, VOC/Chemicals and pm2.5/Fine Dust are installed in several locations inside the building. These sensors evaluate and score the air quality.
- Real time Air Quality Data Collection Gateway. All the Air Quality sensors are connected to this Gateway using HTTP Protocol. The Gateway send all data to the GreenmediaHD Cloud Server.
GreenMediaHD Cloud Sever. All data is sent to the GreenMediaHD Cloud server to be visualized in customized Web Pages Dashboards ,and also could be displayed in several monitors using the GreenMediaHD Digital Signage System.
A color coding is used to show the air quality of each sensor parameter. The value of the parameter is compared with a range of values supplied by health care professional studies about the influence of each air quality parameter in the human health. This coding allows the employees and visitors quickly evaluate the air qualiy in different zone of a building.
- Local Bacnet IP Server installed in the Gateway. All sensors data are mapped into Bacnet Objects. These objects can be discovered using Bacnet IP, allowing the integration with existing Building Management System

Initial Study of Environmental Air Quality
First, a preliminary study of the main air quality parameters is carried out using a professional data collection equipment: the AdvancedSense Professional Handheld Environmental Test Meter and the IQ-610 probe. This probe utilizes highly accurate, rapid response sensors for ppb TVOC, CO2, CO, %RH, temperature, and optional Toxic Gas (plus derived Dewpoint, Wetbulb Temperature, Specific Humidity, Absolute Humidity, and Humidity Ratio).
After the Air Quality System is installed and working, a report is presented showing the improvement in the air quality

Generator Brushes are installed at the air inlet in the evaporator fan to produce the plasma needed to de-activate VOC’s in the air going through the Air Handler. The installed System is producing in average at AHU 1-1 as a sample; 12.6 billion Negative Ions/sec, creating a Plasma Curtain at the AHU coil in the unit, to de-activate any VOC, Virus, Bacteria, Mildew, and eliminating odors in the serviced area.
Every Plasma device was tested and measured to confirm the Ionization values, and measure the ions generated for each unit.
Negative Ions readings of the Plasma generator are collected with the Ionization meter by AlphaLab at each coil. To prove the ionizer is working, the generator is turned OFF during a small period, and turn it back ON to get the reading at each location.

Expected Results
The difference in VOC’s from the building before, and after the installation of the Plasma Ion Generation system is evaluated. This comparison will give a sense of what are the potential results if the system is operational 24/7 producing billions of negative ions/second throughout the building.
As a conclusion, the GreenMediaHD Air Quality System is a powerful tool to neutralize VOC’s, Virus, Bacteria, Mildew, traveling through the Air Conditioning system. It will reduce the possibility of sharing unintentionally this VOC’s while distributing the air through the building spaces and improving the overall health conditions in the treated area.
Integration into BACnet field and remote control
Air Quality Data Collection Gateway can be routed into the existing BACnet architecture of the building using a BBMD router, that allows BACnet messages to cross subnets which are interconnected with IP routers. Also, when integrating the Gateway with existing BMS, if required, the data from the BACnet IP Server can be distributed using BACnet MS/TP.
For maintenance, new setups and upgrades, the GreenmediaHD Air Quality System can be accessed remotely. This allows the support team to remotely make the necessary changes and setups in the AP routers where the sensors are connected, to command the Data Collection Gateway to improve and expand the system and correct any issue.
This integration is possible thanks to the support of Contemporary Controls System, Inc. products.
The main Contemporary Controls products used in the Air Quality System integration support are:
- BASrouter model BASRT-B. This is used to route messages between BACnet/IP, BACnet Ethernet and BACnet MS/TP networks. The data from the BACnet IP Server can be accessed via BACnet MS/TP using the BASRouter. The BASrouter also supports 5 BBMD entries that allows the Air Quality System, if required, to integrate into the subnets of the existing BACnet topology in the building.
- RemoteVPN model EIGR-V. This is a service offered by Contemporary Controls that allows systems integrators remote access to systems from the convenience of the systems integrator's home or office. This service is especially useful to make maintenance and upgrades in the GreenmediaHD Air Quality System and provides a way to use a remote BMS for supervision and control.

Save Energy By Reducing Outside Air
Utilizing ASHRAE 62 Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP) combined with Air Purification Technology, outside air may be reduced by up to 75% in non-health care applications, subject to building pressure. The IAQP allows air purification to be applied to clean the air within the building from the contaminants of concern, thus allowing the outside air to be reduced since the outside air is no longer required to dilute the contaminants of concern.
If the outside air can be reduced, energy saving systems can be installed to control the RTU (Roof Top Units) fan speed. GreenMediaHD offers the Roof Top Unit Smart Control (RTU-SC) for energy savings
The RTU-SC resets the evaporator speed fan to different values in real time by optimizing the control of the superheat in cooling mode using a variable-frequency drive (VFD), a controller, and a set of precision sensors. As a result, the RTU-SC maximize the evaporator fan energy savings while protecting the compressor and significantly reducing relative humidity. When the fan speed is reduced, the fan heat decreases and reduces building cooling load which also make the compressor save energy in cooling mode.
Contact Us
Marketing & Sales:
Luis Pinos: luis@greenmediahd.com
Software Development:
Reynaldo Manalich: reynaldo@greenmediahd.com
Office: +1 786 299 5555
Mobile: +1 786 351 5779